Call for abstracts - deadline: January 31, 2022
We accept only abstracts for poster section.
We invite authors who wish to contribute to the congress scientific programme to submit abstracts at Asbtract are accepted only in czech or english language!
1. How to submit presentation at the Conference
Please submit all digital files needed for your presentation in theback part of the main hall at control desk. Technical specialists will help speakers to uploadall files so everything is ready before each session. When the presentation is to be given, the file will be loaded in the meeting room.
Please come to the control desk at least 1,5 hours before the beginning of your session. In case your speech has been scheduled for morning session come to the control deskthe day before your presentation.
Main hall Opening hours:
- Thursday, 19. 5. 2022 08.30 – 17:00
- Friday, 20. 5. 2022 08.30 – 17:00
- Saturday, 21. 5. 2022 08.30 – 17:00
In order to avoid any problems with your presentation, please make surewhether itmeets the necessary needs and read carefully the instructions below.
2. How to prepare presentation
PowerPoint Instructions:
Template for posters is available here (.ppt format)
We recommend save your presentation in (*.ppt) or (*pptx) to guarantee they will work properly on an on-site PC. Note the Presentation System used during the Conference also supports the PDF presentations.Prepare presentation in 16:9 format (screen are in format 16:9).
If you use Apple platform or your own computer please come at control desk 3 hours before your presentation.
- JPG images are the preferred file format for inserted images.
- GIF, PNG or BMP formats will be accepted as well. Images inserted into PowerPoint are embedded into the presentations.
- Images that are created at a dpi setting higherthan 250 dpi are not necessary and will only increase the file size of the presentation. Try to avoid overloading the presentation with unnecessary images.
- In case of any videos in the presentation - test your presentation with the on-site PC several hours before the presentation. Generally WMV and AVI format should work with no difficulties.
- Only fonts included in the basic installation of MS-Windows are available (English version of Windows). Use of other fonts not included in Windows can cause the wrong layout / style of the presentation.
- Suggested fonts are: Arial, Times New Roman, Tahoma, and Calibri.
- If you insist on using different fonts, these must be embedded into the presentation by choosing the right option when saving the presentation, click on „File“, then „Save As“, Check the „Tools“ menu and select „Embed True Type Fonts“.
3. How to save and submit presentation
How to save presentation:
- Save your presentation in one of the following disc or medium - USB flash drive or CD-ROM (CD-R/RW), DVD-ROM (DVD±R/RW).
- Save all files associated with the presentation (PowerPoint file, movie / video files, etc.) to one folder / location.
- In case you are presenting more than one presentation during the Conference, save different presentations to different folders and name them clearly to avoid on-site misunderstandings and problems.
- Always make a backup copy of your presentation and save it on a different portable disc or medium than the original presentation.
4. Other information
When the session is over, your presentation will be deleted from all computers, no copies or backups will be made.
5. Standard equipment of the session rooms
See below the list of standard equipment of the rooms:
- Datavideo projector (3x): Full HD10000 ANSI
- Screen size (3x): 496 x 279 cm
- Time control screen
- Green laser pointer / remote control with laser pointer
- Microphones
- HDMI and VGA connections